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Idosa celebra 107 anos com carta inspiradora aos que lutam contra a Covid-19

Centenária passou por muitos problemas ao longo da vida, mas quis comemorar aniversário com mensagem inspiradora de fé e otimismo

Foto: FacebookNancy Stewart, 107 anos
Nancy Stewart, 107 anos


Nancy Stewart perdeu o marido e duas filhas, passou por duas guerras mundiais, crises financeiras e a gripe espanhola. Ao completar 107 anos, no entanto, a irlandesa não quis se apegar à tristeza e escreveu uma carta com uma mensagem inspiradora de esperança para todos aqueles que estão lutando contra a pandemia de coronavírus. O texto, publicado no Facebook, viralizou nas redes sociais.

Considerada a mulher mais velha da Irlanda, a mulher começou o texto comentando sobre seu aniversário em meio à crise de Covid-19 em todo o planeta.“Meu nome é Nancy Stewart e nasci em 16 de outubro de 1913. Neste fim de semana faço 107 anos de idade. Imagine fazer 107 anos em uma pandemia mundial. Isso definitivamente é algo muito incomum até mesmo para mim, com tudo o que passei. Eu moro em Clonard, no condado de Meath, e moro em minha casa há mais de 83 anos”, detalhou.

Ao longo da mensagem, ela explica que perdeu o marido em um acidente de carro em 1989. Uma das filhas gêmeas, Margaret, faleceu em 2007 com uma grave doença no neurônio motor. A outra, Anne, morreu três anos depois, pelo desgosto de perder sua irmã. “Perdi todos os meus amigos ao longo dos anos, o que significa viver tanto tempo nesta terra.”

Mas Nancy comemora o fato de ainda ter três filhas, – Kathleen, Mary e Olive -, o filho Finian, além de 84 netos, bisnetos e tataranetos. Agradece ainda pelo fato de sobreviver a tantas tragédias humanitárias."Eu enfrentei muitos momentos de partir o coração e também vi muitos tempos difíceis em nosso país, testemunhando guerras mundiais, divisão em nosso povo e muitos tempos tristes para nossa nação.”

Nancy quis encorajar todas as pessoas que estão em dificuldade agora.“Escrevo hoje para enviar-lhes meu amor e oferecer a vocês minhas orações. Estamos em um momento muito difícil no nosso país, em nossas vidas e em nosso mundo. Mas, nesta carta, estendo a mão para oferecer esperança, fé e a crença de que tudo ficará bem no final.”

Para ela, é certo que todos vão conseguir superar a batalha contra o coronavírus. "Como tudo o que passei desde o dia em que nasci em 1913, não importa o quanto as coisas tenham piorado, sou a prova viva de que podemos sobreviver e, nos próximos anos, esta será apenas uma memória distante”, completou.

A fé e a atitude positiva, para Nancy Stewart, são as coisas mais importantes para se manter bem. "Tenho uma grande fé e isso me ajudou a manter uma atitude positiva durante as lutas que conheci. Agradeço por manter a fé e por manter forte minha resiliência nestes momentos difíceis. Infelizmente, no momento, não podemos mais esticar os braços para um amigo e abraçá-lo, nem ligar para a casa um do outro."

Veja a carta na íntegra:

107 Year Old Granny Nancy’s Letter of Hope in 2020

Here it is....Granny Nancy’s ‘Letter of Hope’’s full of love. It’s full of light. And it’s overflowing with hope for our people! ??? For us, as a country, we need to move as one to come through 2020 making sure we bring everyone with us! Spread this letter far and wide! Send it to anyone you know who needs it at this very tricky moment and send it to anyone who might be needing it and we don’t know they need it! Granny Nancy, you are my hero! You are my heart! You are just what the world needs! And I’m so proud to call you my granny! ???????????? This is my and grannys present to the country and please god it will help someone somewhere! We must stick together! ? ————————————————————- Lots of people have being asking for the text of our ''Letter of Hope. I attached it here and thank you so much for your requests for it....I know lots have asked for it to print it out for someone they know or even just to stick it up in their homes which I absolutely love. Me and gran wrote the letter in the 'hope' that we might help anyone who was feeling low not feel so alone at this time and that me and granny are on your team at all times and we will come through this hard time together. Sending love and light to each of ye. Also another idea that I had was to try and see maybe if schools might print it out for their students and they might discuss it in classes and even maybe some people might like to write a letter of reply or even maybe the children/teenagers could bring it home with them. The 'Letter of Hope' has lots more good energy to share out going forward and I want to thank ye all for so much support and all your kind words. I never imagined what has happened but I'm so grateful the positive impact our story has had for so many. Love ye all lots, Lou xx _____________________________________________________________________ ‘A LETTER OF HOPE’ BY 107 YEAR OLD NANCY STEWART DearThe People of Ireland & The World, My name is Nancy Stewart and I was born on the 16th of October 1913. This weekend I turn 107 years of age. Imagining turning 107 in a world pandemic. This definitely is something very unusual even for me and all I have been through. I live in Clonard in county Meath and have lived in my home for over 83 years. I lost my husband in a car crash in 1989, and lost my twin daughters Margaret in 2007 to motor neurone and Anne in 2010 to utter heartbreak of losing her sister. I’ve lost all my friends throughout the years which comes with living so long on this earth. I’m very lucky to still have three daughters Kathleen, Mary and Olive and one son Finian and I have 84 grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. I have faced many heart-breaking moments and also have seen many hard times in our country witnessing world war’s, division in our people and numerous sad times for our nation. I write to you today to send you my love and to offer you my prayers. We are in a very difficult time at the moment in our country, in our lives and in our world. But I reach out to you in this letter to offer you hope, faith and belief that everything will be ok in the end. We are in another stage of this battle against the virus but we will get through this. Like everything I’ve been through since the day I was born in 1913, no matter how bad things have got, I’m the living proof that we can survive and in years to come, this will just be a distant memory. I have a great faith and it has helped me keep positive throughout the struggles I’ve met. I thank you for keeping your faith and for keeping your resilience strong, through this hard time. Sadly for the moment, we can no longer stretch out to a friend and embrace them nor can we call to each other's houses. But i’m here to share my story. I have been in lockdown in my house since March, alongside my granddaughter Louise and even though it has been a tough time, we have got through it together. We drink tea. We say prayers. We bake. We laugh. We make phone calls. I can even video call lots of my family and friends and am making new friends everyday that God gives me on this earth. And that’s a very important thing to say. If you are feeling low, make sure to try call someone or even go for a walk. I also ask God to help me if I’m feeling low. This is a hard time for everyone but please make sure you keep yourself well and wear your mask. If you keep healthy, your mind will stay healthy too. Keep talking to one another. All my life I have always believed in chatting and drinking tea and saying a prayer or a decade of the rosary and it has got me through. This is our moment to keep our faith and to keep believing that everything will turn out ok. We must try and make sure we leave nobody behind and also that we don’t lose sight of each other. This is a moment for humanity to step forward to take care of the other. We must mind ourselves but we must also mind all those around us. Look up and smile even if you have your mask on. Your eyes will smile and that might be all someone needs to keep going. No good deed ever goes unnoticed so try your best to keep being good. We are not here to live for ourselves but to live for each other. I can’t believe I’ve made it to this age, I only feel like i’m fifty but now that i’m here, all I can say is please god I’ll be here for my next birthday. We must always look forward. I can’t believe I’m the oldest person in Ireland living in my own home, I don’t feel that old. When God wants me, he will come take me but for now I will keep enjoying my life, I’ll keep loving my family and I’ll keep saying my prayers day by day…..oh and not to forget eating lots of good wholesome food is my tip. Good food and lots of tea is my secret to a long life as well as keeping positive as best we can. We must always look forward and hope for the best. Thank you for thinking of me in your prayers and your thoughts and I promise I will think of you in my many rosaries I say everyday. Thank you so much for reading my letter also and I hope I have, in even a little way, helped you feel less alone in this moment. There is always hope and once we keep talking to one another, no day will seem empty and we can get through this together. It only takes a small candle to take away the dark and in each of us, we can be that light in the world. This hard time will indeed pass like all the rest and all that matters is that we helped each other through. Many blessings and much love, Granny Nancy and Lou x

Posted by Living and Laughing with Lou on Monday, October 12, 2020

Em casa, em segurança

A idosa contou que segue trancada em casa desde março junto com a neta, Louise. Para passar o tempo, as duas tentam se ocupar o tempo todo, tomam chá, fazem comidas, riem e fazem preces. O contato com a família ocorre apenas por telefone.

Assim como ela e a neta fazem, Nancy diz que é fundamental que as pessoas a continuarem falando umas com as outras, alegando que isso a ajudou muito.“Se você estiver se sentindo mal, tente ligar para alguém ou até mesmo dar uma caminhada. Também peço a Deus que me ajude se estiver me sentindo mal. Este é um momento difícil para todos, mas certifique-se de se manter bem e de usar sua máscara. Se você se mantiver saudável, sua mente também permanecerá saudável”, recomendou.